The Federal government of the United States has been against the legalization of cannabis for decades now. However, Joe Biden, the current President of the USA, promised to pursue cannabis decriminalization during his political campaign in 2020.
Since then, some of the states legalized its use, but the federal government has continued to crackdown on arresting users, which has led to several conflicts between this governing body and cannabis advocates.
Joe Biden’s promise regarding cannabis legalization was expected to resolve these pain points. In September, influencers and advocates formed a group to raise their voices against the issue. They have requested Biden to fulfill the pursuit he promised during his campaign and release those convicted of non-violent, cannabis-related occurrences.
Biden’s Promise
Almost twenty US states have legalized the recreational use of cannabis. After watching Joe Biden’s election campaign in 2020, many cannabis users were looking forward to watching the now-president be at the forefront of cannabis decriminalization in the country. Biden supported the legalization of cannabis and said no one should be in jail because of its use.
Call of the Influencers
Biden’s administration began to receive questioning from cannabis advocates as this promise has yet to be fulfilled. Influencers and advocates formed a group of 150 people. More entertainers, athletes are also joining the call for the legalization of recreational use of cannabis. They are urging Biden to use power and grant record expungement on a federal scale so that non-violent cannabis offenders can be released and users no longer have to fear being convicted as long as they’re acting lawfully in regards to cannabis exchange, consumption and distribution.
Influencers and advocates believe that democracy means that all United States citizens have a say in national decisions that affect them. The plea has been made for the release of nonviolent cannabis offenders who do not deserve to be behind bars, particularly for something that is now legal.
Advocates will likely continue to demand an end to cannabis-discriminatory policies, and provide justice to every US citizen. It is a very crucial step forward for the US cannabis industry and it could potentially lead to a further ease in regulations.
Get Your Cannabis from the Largest Cannabis Dispensary
Looking to find your favorite cannabis products in Las Vegas? Check out the world’s largest cannabis entertainment complex – Planet 13. The leading Las Vegas strip dispensary offers a wide range of premium cannabis products for new and experienced users alike. You can shop in store, make your purchase online for curbside pickup or delivery between 9 a.m. and 12 a.m.
Or, you can visit our cannabis entertainment complex in Las Vegas at any time – we are open to serving you 24/7.