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Can CBD help your pups?

Happy Dog

Could Your Pets Benefit from CBD?

Thanks to its powerful medicinal properties which include healing a diverse range of ailments such as arthritis, anxiety and even cancer, cannabis is becoming an increasingly popular form of natural medicine among dog owners. However, there is still a large portion of the population that remains skeptical about using cannabis for themselves, let alone their dogs. And this is mainly because of the popular misconception that cannabis will get you ‘high’, no matter what form you take it in.

In reality, it’s highly unlikely for you or your dog to get ‘high’ on cannabis medication because it’s typically produced from hemp, which is not marijuana or ‘dope’ as it’s popularly referred to. Unlike marijuana, hemp is legal in about 16 US states as well as in most countries around the world, which is why hempseed products are so widely available.

However, the type of hemp which contains therapeutic benefits for dogs is somewhat different from the kind you’ll find in grocery store aisles. If this sounds a bit confusing to you, read on below to find out the distinction between the two.

Marijuana vs. Hemp

Both Marijuana and Hemp come from the Cannabis sativa plant, but marijuana can also come from Cannabis indica, which is a sister-plant to sativa. The cannabis plant contains well over 60 chemicals that are known as cannabinoids, and these cannabinoids come in two forms, which are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Now, THCs are the chemicals with psychoactive effects that make you high, while CBDs are more therapeutic and mellow in their effect.

Furthermore, while marijuana has a THC content of 10 to 15 percent, the THC content in hemp is usually at 3% or less, which makes it completely harmless and non-intoxicating, because hemp has a higher concentration of CBD as well.

How CBD Works

Inside the cannabis plant are numerous chemicals such as CBD, terpenoids, flavonoids, and phytocannabinoids. Interestingly enough, there are particular cannabinoid receptor sites that are found in humans and other mammals, specifically in the brain, the immune cells, central nervous system and in the peripheral organs. Together, these sites are known as the endocannabinoid system.

Research shows that a large number of cannabinoids contain anti-inflammatory properties that are able to help with a number of health conditions such as lack of appetite, muscle spasms, seizures, tumors, extreme pain, appetite stimulation, certain skin conditions, and even neurological disorders.

Black dog with mountain background

How CBD Hemp Can Help Your Dog

CBD hemp has the ability to heal both acute and chronic diseases. Some examples of acute ailments that CBD hemp can help with include broken bones, torn ligaments, sprains, and strains. CBD hemp has also been used in post-operative care conditions, as it can help to relieve muscle stiffness, pain, and swelling.

CBD hemp is also quite effective in healing a number of chronic conditions as well, such as arthritis, aggression, stress responses and digestive issues, while further studies are currently in the process of proving the effectiveness of CBD hemp in helping with Type 1 diabetes, cancer, and organ diseases.

So, if your dog is currently taking conventional medicine for any of these ailments, then you might want to look into adding CBD hemp to help decrease the dosage of the other drugs without sacrificing the healing effects. The best part about CBD hemp is that it doesn’t have any side effects like the other medicines.

How Fast Does It Work?

While you might see a noticeable spring in your dog’s step a few hours after giving him CBD hemp, it will take some time to see the more significant benefits such as decreased inflammation. So you just have to be patient.


Due to the low THC in CBD hemp, you don’t have to worry about your dog getting high. However, you might see your dog looking a bit drowsy, similarly to how one would react to a dose of Benadryl.

There are rare occurrences of more severe side effects though, like mild vomiting or excessive itching, but these only happen in rare instances. If you spot any of these symptoms from your dog, then you should discontinue use immediately.

Success Stories

There’s quite a large number of success stories of dogs that have been treated with cannabis by experienced holistic vets. Some of these success stories include senior dogs that had fast-growing cancer tumors reversed within months by taking CBD oil and a combination of other herbal remedies. This eliminated the need to surgically remove the tumor, thus saving the dogs a lot of the pain associated with surgical procedures. Generally, the tumors just started shrinking and once they’ve shrunk, there’s usually no recurrence after that.

There have also been cases of dogs that were healed from arthritis and heart murmurs using whole cannabinoid plant extracts with CBD and a little bit of THC, which is diluted with a bit of cold pressed hemp seed oil for good measure. This combination of cannabis-based herbal medicine has been able to literally improve heart murmurs (which almost never happens), as well as restore mobility in a dog with arthritis so that they can enjoy moving around again.

These and many other cannabis treatment success stories show the powerful effects of this herbal medicine and the possibilities it presents for dog owners who are looking for a real and lasting solution to their pet’s ailments without having to worry about side effects. However, you should consult with a holistic vet if you’re considering using it because it is a powerful form of medicine that’s best used under the guidance and supervision of a professional that knows what they’re doing.

Where to Buy CBD Hemp

Your best bet when purchasing CBD hemp for your pet is to get a product that’s specifically formulated for pets. Luckily, you’ll have options because there are quite a few companies that produce CBD oil, tinctures and even dog treats that contain CBD.

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